Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of taking part in the Olympiad exam?
This Olympiad will allow students to analyze themselves academically. It will provide students with a platform to compete with students from different parts of the world. A community of participants would allow them to interact closely with each other and thus learn and grow.
Are the Olympiads conducted in English language only?
Yes, all the Olympiad are conducted in the English language only.
Can I get the sample papers for the exam?
Please click on below link to download the syllabus for all grades. https://olympiadworld.com/sample.html
What is the pattern of the Olympiad examination?
Please click on the below link for knowing the pattern of various Olympiad examinations. https://olympiadworld.com/information.html
Can schools register their students or is it compulsory for an individual to register?
Individuals as well as schools can register for the exam. The registration process for schools is the same as for an individual.